Anywho, here's the 411 on our 6 month old Baby Sister...
Length: 26 inches {54th percentile}
Weight: 13 pounds, 4 ounces {5th percentile}
Hair color: light brown like her sister
Eye color: still bright blue
Notes: Miss Alice is growing like a weed, despite how her stats may appear. We've moved her out of our room but since she still wakes up at night we have yet to move her into the nursery with Amelia so for now she's made a base camp in the living room which is close enough for us to hear her if she cries but far enough away that she gets used to not being right next to me all night.
She's still chewing on everything in sight and her face has become a drool faucet which makes us think that she'll be cutting her first tooth pretty soon.
Speaking of teeth, Sister has been eating *real* food for about a month now! We took pictures but did so with Cheyenne's phone & I have yet to put them on my laptop {I'll try and do that soon}. Most babies first try with solids turns out to be underwhelming with most of the food going right back out of their mouths and a full refusal in cooperation after a few bites. My tiny gourmand however ate 4 ounces of carrots and loudly DEMANDED each and every one of those bites. She now gets breakfast & dinner {usually fruits for breakfast and veggies for dinner} each day and has decided that I am too slow in my feeding of her and rips the spoon from my hand and does it on her own. Needless to say each and every meal ends with a full bath for her and a partial for myself {Cheyenne & Amelia are completely grossed out by Alice's total lack of manners and the ensuing mess so they choose to go into hiding as soon as the baby food comes out}.
The sleeping sitch is still...."trying". Outside of her breakfast and dinner she's still very much breastfed, so much so that for some reason she has started refusing a bottle and freaks the hell out when we try and give her one. So yeah, that means when she wakes up at night it's just me getting up with her since I am the only one that lactates. We've tried every method under the sun to get her to stop waking at night but alas nothing seems to be helping {for the record those methods do include a "cry it out"-type approach but to no avail}.
We'll get there but it's certainly taking longer than it did with Amelia - because they are opposites in every way.
Despite the fact that I literally have not slept through the night in over a year {pregnancy and then ya} I am still head over heels in love with my sweet, happy, loving little girl and cannot imagine our family without her.