Talk about pit of doom in my stomach. I called the bank right away and got the card canceled and filed fraud charges which got the money reimbursed to me immediately but as our plane took off for the 6 hour trip dread washed over me as I knew a giant mess would await me the next morning.
Since my actual card never left my possession the only explanation is that somewhere a website was hacked and my info was stolen. I have a few guesses as to which of the websites it could have been but no way to be certain. Looking back through my banking history showed that the first incident actually happened back in late February but because of the craziness of getting ready for our trip it went overlooked.
Our bank {US Bank} has been amazingly helpful throughout the whole ordeal and very very cooperative. I've filed a police report to see if there is any way to track the person{s} down to keep anyone else from going through this, although they didn't seem to think there was much they could do. I've also had to notify all three credit bureaus of the situation since we don't know if it was just my card number or if the ssn was also compromised.
It's all been a giant pain in the ass but I have officially done all that I can do and now it's just down to vigilantly watching our credit reports for a few months to make sure that nothing else happens.
Wish us luck!