So, July is open enrollment at my work for health insurance. As anyone who has had a baby knows, health insurance and $ get dicey when it comes to having a baby. I currently have (and have had for the last 4+ years) health insurance that covers and favors Legacy health systems (for those in the Portland area this means: Good Sam, Emmanuel, Salmon Creek, etc) and ALL of my doctors (not just baby related) are through Legacy (Good Sam specifically). I love these doctors, they are "mine" and they know me and my history and such, when i see any of them (Rat tail, Lydia, & crooked teeth) they know me well enough to ask about my husband (by name) and dog (by breed) and work (gross but still, they KNOW) and i like this, it's the relationship with a doctor that i like to have. Let me also mention here that i REALLY like Good Sam hospital, i know it well, i like the staff and layout and programs, it has a website that i know like the back of my hand and everything that i have had to do or have done there has been easy and if not "pleasant" (it IS a hospital after all) has at least been on the good side of tolerable.
Cut to this specifically. Our HR Rep (who I like so much that I had her come to my wedding) has taken me under her wing and while trying to organize this years benefits plan took my pregnancy into account (how awesome is that?) and tried really hard to go with a plan that had as good of a maternity package as possible (our current provider has rather lacking coverage). That's one of the good things. So, we switched companies, and she assured me that my rates will not only not increase but may go down (always a good thing) and that more will be covered (also important and good) BUT we've switched to Providence (for those in Portland this means St Vincent, Prov Portland, etc) which means that NONE of my Legacy providers are covered affective August 1st.
I'm pregnant, and I'll admit, have a touch of the crazy person hormones at this the thought of not having MY doctors and MY hospital i ran to the bathroom and sobbed like a haven't sobbed in ages. The deep wracking painful sobs that hurt (think 16 year old girl heartbreak level of tears).
I'm really glad that in the end my coverage will be better which is good financially and good health wise...but i cant help but be devastated by having to switch things up as far as the hospital for the birth and now i also have to find a new OB. I can still use my Legacy doctors but it will now be out of network which is pretty much out of the question for the pregnancy & birth, but i intend to keep my primary care and gyno that i have had for years and just bite the $ bullet the few times a year that i need to go see them.
I've looked at the Providence website, and I'm sure that if it weren't this circumstance and these hormones i would find it to be a more then ok hospital (it truly is) but at the moment i feel like sulking and i refuse to admit that St Vincents is anything but utter crap.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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