First things best friend (which really isn't a strong enough word for our bond, sister is better and it's what we use) is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Just flat out awesome with no ifs ands or buts. She gives me constant love and advice in all aspects of my life and is already such a great godmother. Today our wee Clarkling was lucky enough to receive it's second care package from his/her god-mama and a few treats for this mom as well. Nothing has made my pregnancy as fun as getting to hold and smell all of the sweet baby things that Manda is sweet enough to send. Much love.
Today I threw up in my mouth. Not a little bit like you get with a vurp (vomity burp) but in fact full on puke. My co-worker truly cannot handle the very IDEA of vomit without dry heaving, let alone full on puke taking place. So I'm sitting there "working" at my computer and out of NO WHERE my mouth filled with vomit...."what to do?" I cant make it downstairs to the bathroom, i cant use the trash can because co-worker will go ape, i cant use the hand sink because boss & health inspector will freak, so i swallowed it!!!! Yes readers, i have hit a new low. A single tear trickled down my cheek (like the Indian fella from the 70's recycling commercial). Cheyenne has forbidden me from ever doing this again and says that he'll have "words" with co-worker if i feel like i cant use the trash can in an emergency.
New nursery news...i have settled on a new "theme" (though I am loathe to use that word, i hate anything overly themey or matchy matchy). We are going to have yellow walls with a Babar the Elephant mural and framed artwork with some other (small and tasteful) Babar items. We like the colors & the fact that it's gender neutral. We have a muralist coming out to give a price quote this week or next (it's not nearly as pricey as you would think). I will of course keep everyone posted.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
1 comment:
at least it wasn't the gifts that made you vomit...and maybe those sugar free cookies will help??
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