I'm sure that this happens to every pregnant woman but even though I am told by my husband, parents, and friends that i look pregnant i find it hard to trust their judgement since they know that I am and they are looking for it. So i have convinced myself that strangers cant tell and merly think im a chunkster with a deep cookie lust that has resulted in a gut.
Well no more! I was walking to Kinkos today (to make baby shower games) and a drunken bum says to me "hey lady, you lookin' a little pregnant". Well how else is a girl supposed to repsond other than "well my friend, i am in fact 'a little pregnant'." to which he says "yeah, that's what i was thinkin' you was".
Now, if you havent lived in the city you are most likly cringing at this exchange...HOWEVER! Since im used to bum to non-bum communications i was not only NOT horrifed but delighted beyond belief. I called Cheyenne immediately (yes in the middle of his busiest work day of the week) to inform him that i "do in fact look pregnant, not just fat...a bum who doesnt know me confirmed it". He wasnt nearly as impressed as me about this information.
Some days we take our happiness were we can get it.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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