Remember how God awful my 1st trimester was with the constant vomiting and such? Well on the 2nd day of my 2nd trimester that thankfully left and in the meantime i have delighted in being able to once again consume food (though, food never sounds good or tastes like much at least i could keep it down). Well things seem to have changed. Either i have 1) challenged the spawn and it is once again showing me which of us is the dominant one or 2) with only 7ish weeks of pregnancy left i no longer have the space in my abdominal cavity for such trivial things as a stomach. So I'm back to throwing up every time i eat. Awesome. A few "fun" things to entertain you on this topic: 1) after drinking my daily carrot/beet/celery juice (it's better than it sounds and amazingly healthful for the previously mentioned demon spawn) i threw up what appeared to be a magenta fountain (color provided by the beets) and in a state of what i can only call delirium i considered it pretty and for just a moment thought about painting a wall in the house the same color....until i realized that this would require I go to the Benjamin Moore counter and ask for "beet juice vomit pink" which would never do. 2) after lunch today we came home and i took a nap...mid nap i gaged a bit on my own vomit and woke up saying out loud "NOT KEITH MOON!". yeaaaahhh....just 1107 hours, 24 minutes, and 16 seconds until my due date, and yes, this means that i am counting!
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