As of today Amelia is 3 weeks old and in that short amount of time she is already showing us who she is (so far as someone who sleeps 18 hours a day can). Here's what we know:
"skin to skin" contact - The AAP was right; skin to skin contact is the best thing on Earth for a wee one. Whenever her furies get too terrible or if we just need some time to bond, stripping her down to just a diaper and taking off our shirts (Cheyenne and I both do this) and laying her on our chest above our hearts makes the whole family coo with happy feelings.
Being looked in the eye and talked to - she loves it, and obviously she has know idea what we are saying but you can tell by the look on her face that she's learning something and taking in little things like facial expressions and tones of voice. it's simply amazing to watch her watching the world and figuring things out and taking it all in. She also loves being read to in the same fashion.
Josie - our daughter and our dog have a unique and obviously loving relationship already. Josie does not let this child out of her sight. When Amelia is in her crib and gives out a cry or any unhappy noise at all Josie will come running to us barking as loud as she can to let us know that her baby needs help. When we wake up in the mornings Josie comes over to Amelia and gives her a sniff and a lick and Amelia is as happy as can be.
Massage - Studies show that babies (especially preemies) get huge benefits from infant massage and not to stray from the pack Amelia is no exception. She gets a massage every night (lucky girl) and it's so calming and soothing for both of us.
Sitting up on Daddy's knees - this position is always what makes her most alert and content to "play" she and Cheyenne coo and "talk" to each other from this angle for hours a day.
Things she outright hates:
Having to wait more than 1 second for a meal - if you cant "get" her "I'm hungry" signs beforehand then God help WILL end with her screaming in anger.
The binkie - Please note that Cheyenne and I had no intention of ever using a binkie. However, with a bit of colic setting in we broke down one night and decided that if she has been crying for hours and nothing seems to work we can break down and give her a binkie. Of course, with our luck, we have the one child on this planet who wants no part of such a thing.
having her tummy rubbed - when getting her massage we have to avoid the tummy rub if i want to keep her angelic, and when she has gas we can do bicycle kicks but she wont stand for the clockwise tummy rub.
Her swing - Again, this is something that i thought all children naturally loved and mine will have nothing to do with hers. If put in it she'll sit there for no more than 5 minutes tops without a meltdown.
The hours between 11:00pm - 3:00am - we call 11 the witching hour and with good reason. when the colic strikes it is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS in this window of time.
Like any new parents we spend most of our days and nights looking at our new baby in awe and taking in her every look and sound and from these moments i have gotten the impression that our daughter is inquisitive/curious, reflective, loving, aware of what she does and doesn't like and pleased to have others know the same things, funny in a quiet way, calm like her father but with her mothers lack of a nutshell: she's perfect.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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