Amelia is 5 weeks old today and things are going quite well actually. The colic that we were having trouble with around weeks 2-3 seems to have gone away. I currently have to supplement breast milk with formula and our pediatrician suggested that this was to blame. She switched us over to a hypoallergenic version and it seems to have worked (a lactose sensitivity is very very common in babies and does not mean that she'll grow up to be lactose intolerant by any means). We aren't sure if it was the formula change or just growing a bit and developing more but we'll take it over crying either way!
She now sleeps a good portion of the day but is starting to wake up more and more. Every night she is wide awake at 10:00om like clockwork...which is 1 hour into her dads shift and she stays that way until about 12:00am (I'm told). My shift begins at 1:00am and she usually wakes up for a feeding at that time, she and i go sit in the rocking chair in her nursery and she eats for about 30-60 minutes then we go back to bed (we are co-sleeping as suggested by the pediatrician since it reduces the risk of SIDS and is easier on all 3 parties for the first couple of months) then she wakes up and repeats this every 2.5-3 hours which really isn't all THAT bad (though, I'll admit there are mornings when i can feel myself dragging because of this sleep pattern). Besides, they are only this little for such a short amount of time that it's pretty close to impossible to begrudge her.
Cheyenne went back to work on Monday which means that my new "job" has officially begun and not to sound naive, but, it's MUCH harder than i ever gave it credit for. I knew that being a stay at home mom is considered the hardest job in the world (because ya're building a human) but there are a bunch of little things that i just never considered. For example: in order to do the dishes i have to go in stages: plates first and then a break to pick her up and talk to her so that she doesn't freak out, then the bowls, followed by another break and so on with each kind of dish. A sink of dishes can now take all afternoon to wash instead of 15-20 minutes. But this is still just my 3rd day on the job and we're both learning through trial and error what works for us and what kind of schedule not only works but is reasonable...I'm sure we'll get there pretty soon.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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