Amelia is 20 weeks old today, which is to say, that she is 5 months old...I just cant believe that!
According to "What to Expect the First Year" these are things that we should have expected Amelia to be able to do by today:
1. Hold head steady when upright. CHECK
2. On stomach, raise chest, supported by arms. CHECK
3. Pay attention to an object as small as a raisin. CHECK
4. Squeal in delight. CHECK
5. Reach for an object. CHECK
6. Smile spontaneously. CHECK
7. Smile when you smile back. CHECK
8. Grasp a rattle when held to the back of hands or tips of fingers. CHECK
9. Keep head level when pulled to sitting. CHECK
10. Roll over one way. CHECK
11. Bear some weight on legs. CHECK
12. Say "ah-goo" or other similar vowel-consonant sounds. CHECK
13 Razz {make wet razzing sound}. CHECK
14. Turn in the direction of voice. CHECK
Since she is able to do everything on the check-list I am left to assume that in 4 weeks she will be able to do everything on the next check-list:
1. Stand holding on to someone or something.
2. Object if you try to take a toy away.
3. Work to get a toy out of reach {she actually already kind of does this}.
4. Pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other.
5. Look for a dropped object.
6. Rake with fingers a tiny object & pick it up in fist.
7. Babble, combining vowels & consonants such as ga-ga-ga, ba-ba-ba, ma-ma-ma, & da-da-da.
8. Feed self cracker or other finger food.
July is going to be such a fun month with so many new things to learn and activities planned!