But here's the thing, those cliches are in existence for a reason. You really don't understand the kind of all consuming love that a human is capable of until you have a child, you really would do anything on Earth without a second thought for your child in a way that you wouldn't have thought possible. And doesn't that make me a "good" mom? Why do I feel the need to apologize for loving my baby? My priorities and goals are not the same as they once were, I've grown and changed {just as we all do} and I'm happy about who i am and where I am. I honestly would rather spend the evening cuddled up with my husband and looking at our baby than anything else there is.
Yes, there are hard days {just as there were pre-baby} but they are actually pretty few and totally worth it. I'm in the role that I always wanted and I'm loving it more than I thought imaginable. I don't pass judgement on my friends that choose not to have children and I have to hope that they are not doing so to me. So from now on, no more. Here is the truth: I am blissfully happy, i love my child and could talk about her for hours, i am there from the moment she wakes up until i put her to bed at night and 10 minutes after she's asleep I miss her and have to force myself not to go pick her up and snuggle with her some more then i go to the living room and look at photos or videos of her with Cheyenne and we marvel at how amazing she is. I'm a mom and it's the best thing in the world.
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