I now believe that I was wrongly diagnosed with PCOS {I showed many of the typical signs, the biggest of which was a lack of menstrual cycle for 5 months in a row and a slowed metabolism}. I am of course no doctor but my own theory is that the cycle chaos was due to my body getting back to *normal* after years of hormone-based birth control. Because of breast feeding and this self diagnosis I have not taken any hormone-based drugs this year and guess what? I am officially on a textbook perfect 28 day cycle!
Okay, that's exciting to me but maybe you're not getting the reasons? Cheyenne & I would like to start trying for another child in the next year or so and this development is much more encouraging and hopeful than it was the last time around. I may still go do acupuncture - but that's mostly because I just really like it and find it very relaxing which is always nice.
So cheers to a healthy year!
Yay! I'm so happy for you! I have PCOS, unfortunately and had to go through the clomid and IUI for a couple of months. Juan and I will be trying soon too and I'm so glad I read your blog because I'm definitely going to check out accupuncture. Do you mind if I ask you where you went?
I went to Wade McCulloch at The Qi Spot in NW PDX and loved the environment and Wade. I can't say enough good things about them! Good luck! Maybe we'll end up with a second set of kiddos born just 2 days apart :-)
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