No matter how many times I wipe her off or try to keep her clean the moment that I turn around she's a mess again. She looks like a Dickensian street urchin with her hair in her face, food smudged everywhere, and random bits of fuzz here and there. To make the picture more complete she's taken to falling asleep where ever she lands if she needs a little power nap before her actual nap time. Lately I've found her in the toy box, on her drum, standing at the couch with just her head on it, and {her favorite} on her blankie next to the baby gate {maybe because of it's proximity to freedom?}.
For now i've stopped fighting it, unless we're going out in public. She's our little tornado and we love her.

Oh my gosh!! I love her nursery! Do you have more pictures you can post of FB perhaps? I'd love to take a peek.
Yep! I really should take more/better ones now that it's all lived in. The photos in this link were taken right before she was born.
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