Music that I dislike immensely:
Pop-country {anything at the CMAs}, classic rock {Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Boston, Foreigner, etc}, "butt rock" {Motley crue, Poison, etc}, heavy metal {Metallica, AC/DC}, anything that for even a second would make you want to head-bang {note: this does not include '90's grunge-alternative via Seattle, which is in fact perfect in every way}, anything with auto-tune, and "whatever those damned kids are listening to these days".
As you can see, this means that the only music allowed in my car or on my laptop is that which I have downloaded {or Cheyenne, he can be trusted with music selection} thus making me officially one of those cranky "old people" that teenagers swear they will never become. Ugh. I've tried to fight it and lost. I'm now in acceptance mode...and, in case you're wondering I'm listening to a playlist that features Snow Patrol, Soul Coughing, Niko Case, Rufus Wainwright, Beck, Death Cab for Cutie, Keane, Moldy Peaches, and Yann Theirson while I write this.
Now get me a cane so that I can go out on my porch and shake it at the neighborhood kids while yelling "get off my lawn!"
I love the last line. I so can see you do it too!
Hahaha I actually almost did this last summer! We live across the street from an elementary school and children are forever throwing bits of homework or candy wrappers in our yard on their way to or from class. It annoys me to no end.
I was telling Cheyenne that I was going to wait on our front porch so that I could catch them in the act and yell at them to which my loving husband said "are you saying that you are going to wait on the porch so that you can shake your fist at children and yell at them to get off your damn lawn???" At that moment I felt like jumping into a DeLorean and going back to 1988 and apologizing to that "mean old man" that lived down the street with his impeccable lawn.
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