There are several reasons & factors that helped us come to this decision not the least of which was Amelia's needs. Neither Cheyenne or I think it's fair or good parenting to make a child grow up faster than they need to. With an extra year before a sibling she wont be rushed out of baby/toddler-hood which {in theory only I'm sure} would make it a less stressful transition into the role of Big Sister. We also think that it would be more fair to the would-be baby to have Amelia old enough to be able to go to preschool part time {at 3 she would only be there in the mornings and at that only 3 days a week} so that I can have one on one time to bond and read and love the baby in that mother/child way that I was lucky enough to have with my firstborn.
There's also the practical aspects: that age difference would be pretty hard on me physically, even just that 9 month difference is a big help. Cheyenne's company was purchased this past year and their insurance will be changing come January 1st - I'd like to have all of that settled and in place before we even begin the process. Remember when my insurance changed at the beginning of my first pregnancy and I had to change doctors and hospitals in order to stay within the coverage? I'm not going through that again. We also aren't sure about staying here in our current house. We know that we need to move before Amelia starts kindergarten because the school system here is awful but at the same time we aren't ready to give up and move to the 'burbs just yet. Plus, if we're being honest, we need more space. So the whole thing is in the air with regards to moving and whether or not we leave we will at least have a better plan of what we want and when next summer.
There are a host of other factors, as would be expected with a decision as large as having a child, but this post has already rambled on quite a bit.
I will say, that we are both really happy with this choice and know that it's what's best for each member {and someday member} of our family and that's what's most important.