Last week was hectic getting the house clean and ready for visitors and grocery shopping. Then of course 24 hours before our company {Cheyenne's mother, baby sister, sister's boyfriend, & mom's friend} arrived all four of our car tires went tits up and needed replacing {oh of course} which just kind of added to the "offness" of the whole week.
Our weekend however was great. Very very busy, but great. The weather worked out perfectly and we were able to show off our beloved city. We took the aerial tram up to the OHSU {Oregon Health & Science University} campus where Cara {sister} is hoping to apply for grad school {we have our fingers crossed} then we took the streetcar downtown to see Pioneer Square and had lunch downtown as well. We also visited the International Rose Test Garden, the Saturday Market, the Nike campus, & Cheyenne's office. There were so many other places that we wanted to go {the coast, the mountains, the gorge, wine country, the zoo, the East Side, Sauvie's Island, Trillium Park, the rhododendron gardens, the Portland Farmers Market, the Hoyt Arboretum, etc etc} but didn't want to overwhelm everyone and not give the chance to just breathe and relax and play with the baby. Sigh. There's always next time, and the time after to get in the other things that our little slice of heaven has to offer.
In related news: we had such a great time that we didn't get a single photo! Ack!!! I want it noted that I charged up the still and video cameras and brought them both with my EVERYWHERE but dropped the ball when it came to actually taking them out and USING them {something that has proven crucial to the whole "capturing images" thing}. Oy vey.
The bad part of the trip is that with so much running around and visiting Amelia's nap & bedtime schedule got all mixed up which has thrown her out of whack. She's woken up at 5:00am for the last 3 days {instead of her usual 7:15am} which means that Cheyenne and I are basically zombies {another reason why I've been so bad at posting on here}. Im hopeful that after a few days of being back to normal she'll go back to sleeping in to her regular time and I can get some energy back.
Until then I'll just be sitting here lazing about.

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