Everyone knows going in that there are key milestones to watch for and document with camera both still and video as well as scrapbook and/or blog. Everyone waits with baited breath for that first bath, smile, tooth, word, step, & birthday. What you don't know going in is how important and heartbreakingly wonderful the little milestones are {learning to burp without help, last bath in the baby tub/sink, last nap on your chest, last breast feed}. Those little ones are just as important and {for me at least} leave you just as breathless as you watch the babyness slip away and the big kidness slip in.
Last night Cheyenne & I were getting Amelia ready for her bath and while we stood in the hall just outside of the bathroom right next to the nursery talking to each other Amelia pushed passed us into the bathroom {growing increasingly annoyed that she wasn't in the bath} and out of the corner of our eyes we noticed she had "that look" on her face, you know the one - the one that says "I CAN DO THIS MY OWN DAMN SELF". I quickly ran the 3 feet to the dining room and grabbed the camera just in time to capture Peanut getting into the tub without help from Mama or Daddy for the first time {it should be noted that we have a 60 year old very deep tub not one of those new shallow ones}.
Neither Cheyenne or I could say a word because our throats were too tight, but we looked at each other and in that way that couples who have been together "forever" do we used "couples telepathy" to say "remember when she was so little that she could sleep on a pillow?"
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