The vast majority of the time, Amelia is totally amazing and we marvel at our good luck to have such a fantastic person in our lives. However, I'm not gonna lie, the terrible twos are here and there are times when I want to pull the hair right out of my head. Tantrums, in a word, suck.
The other day we had a full on meltdown that ended up being one of the funniest things ever. As of late Amelia has become obsessed with her monkey pajamas. She L-O-V-E-S them and if she had it her way she would wear them 24/7. They are fleece footie-style pajamas and when worn day and night they tend to get filthy at record speed.
Last weekend before music class I had to get her changed into "real" clothes so that we didn't look like total trash. Not surprisingly this lead to a complete and total freak out on her part. Screaming at the very top of her lungs, turning bright pink with rage, shaking, snot and tears everywhere. It wasn't pretty. I decided that since I couldn't reason with her {"we can put the monkey jammies on when we get home."} I would try a different method and get her excited about the clothes that I had put her in...
Me: "Amelia, look, your shirt has doggies on it! You love doggies! What does a doggie say?"
Amelia {grabbing a fistful of her shirt}: "THIS IS WHAT'S WRONG!!!!!!!!"
I'm not going to lie, I laughed. Really hard. Right in her face. There was nothing else that I could do. She was acting insane and my nerves were at breaking point and then she hit me with "this is what's wrong"...ha! You have to take your laughs where you can get them when you're mid-tantrum.
Eventually we piled into the car to head to class and she calmed down and the rest of the day went smoothly...but throughout the day Cheyenne & I would catch each other giggling to ourselves over the whole thing. Almost two weeks later we're still making fun of it.
1 comment:
Dave and I have no shame in laughing at T when he's red in the face and storming it up. Sometimes it's the only thing to keep us parents-of-toddlers sane ;).
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