This time however, since we decided to find out {to better prepare Amelia for the changes in store}, my curiosity is in overdrive. Not knowing when it's your choice to not know is one thing, not knowing because your appointment isn't for another 8 days is quite another. I've never done well with secrets or surprises that I haven't carefully orchestrated myself.
Everyone asks if I have a "feeling" about the gender, since I always always felt that Amelia was a girl you would think that perhaps I might have some kind of spiritual earth mother insight. I do not. First off, "spiritual earth mother" is not an apt description of me. Second, I keep flip flopping. Early early on I had a strong feeling that I would be raising sisters {yay!} but then as my pregnancy progressed and felt so much different than the first time I started thinking that I would have "one of each" {also yay!}. Now I just don't know, when I look up baby things I subconsciously pick out girl stuff, but when I talk about "it" in terms of having an identity I always {not on purpose} use male pronouns. Hmm.
According to the oh so scientific {not} "Chinese lunar gender prediction calendars" Clarking #2 is a girl, it was right with Amelia, but quite frankly when you've got a 50/50 shot you're bound to be right sometimes so I'm not putting a ton of stock into that. When I was pregnant with Amelia my best friend's dad {shout out to Alan Rhoads!} did the "wedding ring test" above my belly at my baby shower to help fuel the "what gender is it?" game. The ring predicted that I would have a boy...Amelia is most certainly not a boy. So, really, I got nothin'. I'll have to just go crazy for the next 8 days until I find out. Grr.
What do you think? Have any gut feelings on baby #2's sex?
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