Thursday, June 7, 2012

.Pissing my money away.

As I mentioned yesterday I got my results back from my blood-work and my sugar levels are fantastic and I am in no way in danger of getting gestation diabetes. However, I am anemic. My doctor called today to go over that in a bit more detail {her nurse is the one that called with the basic results yesterday}. I let Dr. Barrett know that I have ALWAYS been anemic and am usually turned away when I try to donate blood even though I take a daily prenatal vitamin every day of the year {pregnant or not}.
Apparently, she wouldn't normally mind but since I'm having a cesarean {aka major abdominal surgery} and will have blood loss from that and the lochia I have no choice but to start taking insane amounts of iron & B-complex in addition to my daily regimen to try and get my iron levels at a healthier level.
For reference {should there be a preggo reading this I've included the links to the exact brands that I use} this means that I am now taking:

1 prenatal vitamin {taken at night}
2 DHA supplements {taken at night}
1 iron supplement {taken in the morning}
1 B-complex supplement {taken in the morning}

this basically means that I now have the most expensive urine ever. I feel like I should get some kind of reward for that.


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