Anywho, Thanksgiving is just 10 days away and I am very excited. I love making a big meal for everyone and having a house full of the people I love and the smells and wine and it's just great. This year we have a small group of just 5 adults, 1 toddler, 1 baby, 2 dogs & 1 cat. I'm actually digging the fact that it's a small guest list this year because it'll be good prep for Christmas which is going to be a bit different than years past.
This year for Christmas we are going to have our traditional Christmas morning here with Santa gifts and family gifts and such {my dad will be over as well} and then we're packing up and heading over to our dear friends David & Abigail's house {it's about 10 minutes down the way} where I'll be making dinner {with some help from Abigail & Meegan as they are two of the only people on Earth I would let help in the kitchen - such is my love for both ladies} for a crowd the size that's more typical for our holidays. We'll have us, David & Abigail {duh}, Tom & Meegan {always always}, my dad, & David's parents Craig & Mary.
Abigail was kind enough and reasonable enough to offer up her house when she heard how many people we were planning on hosting since she's got a better layout for crowds and a larger kitchen {with a dishwasher}. So it'll be different but I think it'll add to the excitement.
Plus since there will be plenty of people I'm sure I'll have some great photos to share with you guys!
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