I had planned on writing up a post on the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown Connecticut that took place 6 days ago but...I just can't. I tried, but all of the things I was {am} feeling and want to say and points I want to get across are too huge and when I put thought to paper/computer it was out of hand long and looping back and jumping forward mid-thought and it all made sense to me but just came out rambling and I wasn't satisfied and it all just made my soul and heart so heavy that I couldn't do it.
What I know and want to say {in a nutshell} is this: we need to take care of each other. We need to remove the stigma of mental healthcare. We need to turn off our televisions & radios and put down the newspapers and magazines that promote a fear mentality that makes people believe that the only answer is to arm themselves. We'll be okay. And of course, hug and kiss your people {big and small} and tell them how much you love them. A lot.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
2 months ago