I'm checking in for an update since it feels like it's been ages since I posted anything. Poor Alice is teething and isn't quite the same trooper that her sister was so that's been a bit rough. It's always tough seeing a little one {especially your own} in pain but there's just something extra unfair for it to be Alice in pain because she's such a happy little thing - it feels like kicking a puppy. Poor girl.
For now she's still co-sleeping, there are nights when it certainly drives me bonkers to only be able to sleep in one position {left or right side}but since i switched from trying to use the co-sleeper and sitting up to feed her to a full on in-bed cosleeping with her side-nursing things are easier. We're both getting more sleep and she's gaining weight better and my milk supply is exactly where it should be. Eventually she needs to be moved back into the co-sleep and eventually to the nursery and her crib. I had planned on starting that around the 17th of this month but with her teething I just feel like waiting a bit. I feel like I'll just know in my gut when the right time is - that's how it was with my independent little Amelia.
Otherwise December's going quite well so far, I finished my shopping months ago so that's out of the way. We got our tree over the weekend and Amelia is bonkers over the whole having a tree in her living room thing. She runs up to it every morning and deeply inhales the smell just like she's seen me do which is pretty cute. We also took the kids to see Santa over the weekend. I had expected another year of crying from Amelia and for Alice to spit up on him but that was not the case; Amelia liked him and after watching other kids get their pictures taken for a while she ventured over and let us get one with her....right as the camera clicked Alice woke up from her nap with sore teeth and was furious. I still say it was a success though!
We have more Christmas festivities in store over the next few weeks and i promise to take pictures and share stories.
For now here are a few photos from the weekend...
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