It's been a while since my last long post, I was waiting for something "blog-worthy" to happen but it would seem (knock on wood) that things have settled into a smooth and easy routine and it's not terribly exciting (sorry guys). our days run about like this:
7:00am - Amelia wakes up & Cheyenne has "daddy time" with her. I'm pretty sure this consists of him teaching her future ways to torment me. But since I am usually a sleep-zombie at this time that is just a guess.
7:30am - She's handed off to me while Chey gets ready for work. She gets breakfast and we take the dog outside. then we settle in for for chatting before she take her first nap.
8:30ish - Nap. This is really the only time of day where I get "me time" or the chance to eat.
10:30ish - Amelia's brunch and more playtime and a walk when the weather doesn't hate me.
2:00ish - Amelia's lunch and 2nd nap, 10th nap for the dog and cat, I clean the house.
4:00ish - Amelia's 2nd lunch/1st dinner...and yes, Oprah (I'm not proud of this).
5:00pm - reading either in the nursery (if it's yucky outside) or in the yard with Josie (if it's nice outside)
6:00ish - Cheyenne gets home. Go to the grocery store, make dinner when we get home.
7:00ish - Dinner
7:45pm - Amelia gets a bath and/or massage
8:00pm - Reading in the nursery (always the Velveteen Rabbit & Goodnight Moon - because they are my 2 favorite books of all time)
8:30pm - Amelia goes to bed
8:31pm - 11:00ish - The hours in the day where i get to talk to another grown-up.
2:30am - Feed Amelia
4:30am - Feed Amelia
7:00am - the day starts all over...
The weather is finally starting to be spring-like so on Tuesdays I hope to add a Mommy & Me class into the mix for some variation.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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