Before Amelia was born I had gotten information for the "mommy & me" classes at Good Sam hospital where we had our birthing classes just in case i needed a support network if i had PPD. Since I never had to deal with the PPD (postpartum depression, for those not in the know) I had kind of forgotten about these classes... until yesterday. Another mom from our birthing classes sent me an email to catch up and after "talking" to each other via email it came out that she has been going to the Mommy & me classes on Tuesdays and asked if i wanted to meet up with her at the one this week so that we could catch up.
I went today and let me tell you, I love it! I wish that I had been doing this all along. It really isn't just to combat depression, it's mostly just nice to get to talk to other moms with babies in the same age group (0-3 months) that are going through the same things (turns out i am not the only mom without a single local friend who has kids). It was so refreshing and fun!
So i now have this weekly get together to look forward to as well as my NoPo group from which is gaining steam.
Goodbye lonesomeness!
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