Amelia & I started going to our "classes" at music together this week {we go Mondays & Tuesdays} and she's loving it so far!
A few people that I have mentioned these classes to have asked what it's all about so lemme explain:
* A music Together class is an internationally recognized early childhood music program for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, & the adults who love them. First offered to the public in 1987, it pioneered the concept of research based, developmentally appropriate early childhood music curriculum that strongly emphasizes & facilitates adult involvement.
Music Together classes are based on the recognition that all children are musical. All children can learn to sing in tune, keep a beat, & participate with confidence in the music of our culture, provided that their early environment supports such learning. By emphasizing actual music experiences rather than concepts about music, Music Together introduces children to the pleasures of making music instead of passively receiving it from Cd's or TV.
Central to the Music Together approach is that young children learn best from the powerful role model of parents/caregivers who are activity making music. The program brings families together by providing a rich musical environment in the classroom and by facilitating family participation in spontaneous musical activity at home within the context of daily life.
Music Together is committed to helping families, caregivers, & early childhood professionals rediscover the pleasure & educational value of informal music experiences. Music Together applies the latest research in Early childhood music development to the program.
OK, so that's a description of what the program is about but you may be wondering what the benefits are. There are several, here are a few of them:
1. According to a landmark state & federally funded study {performed by the Michael Cohen Group}, children in the Music Together preschool classes made statistically significant gains in cognitive, language, an physical development on the Creative Curriculum Assessment used in the Head Start program. Children in the Music Together classes have been shown spatial concepts, more gross motor movement, & more imaginative play as well as having powerful benefits towards speech & language skills.
2. The social benefits. Parents and children that often would not interact with one another come together on common ground {music for children & the love of our children} which over time makes the children have a deeper connection to their home, school, & community.
3. It provides children with a means of creative self-expression that is uniquely human.
There are qute a few more benefits and reasons that we {Cheyenne & I} are stoked about this program, but quite frankly, this post is already on the overly long side and I think you get the idea already. If you want more information visit their website or email me and I will be happy to share what I know!

A few people that I have mentioned these classes to have asked what it's all about so lemme explain:
* A music Together class is an internationally recognized early childhood music program for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, & the adults who love them. First offered to the public in 1987, it pioneered the concept of research based, developmentally appropriate early childhood music curriculum that strongly emphasizes & facilitates adult involvement.
Music Together classes are based on the recognition that all children are musical. All children can learn to sing in tune, keep a beat, & participate with confidence in the music of our culture, provided that their early environment supports such learning. By emphasizing actual music experiences rather than concepts about music, Music Together introduces children to the pleasures of making music instead of passively receiving it from Cd's or TV.
Central to the Music Together approach is that young children learn best from the powerful role model of parents/caregivers who are activity making music. The program brings families together by providing a rich musical environment in the classroom and by facilitating family participation in spontaneous musical activity at home within the context of daily life.
Music Together is committed to helping families, caregivers, & early childhood professionals rediscover the pleasure & educational value of informal music experiences. Music Together applies the latest research in Early childhood music development to the program.
OK, so that's a description of what the program is about but you may be wondering what the benefits are. There are several, here are a few of them:
1. According to a landmark state & federally funded study {performed by the Michael Cohen Group}, children in the Music Together preschool classes made statistically significant gains in cognitive, language, an physical development on the Creative Curriculum Assessment used in the Head Start program. Children in the Music Together classes have been shown spatial concepts, more gross motor movement, & more imaginative play as well as having powerful benefits towards speech & language skills.
2. The social benefits. Parents and children that often would not interact with one another come together on common ground {music for children & the love of our children} which over time makes the children have a deeper connection to their home, school, & community.
3. It provides children with a means of creative self-expression that is uniquely human.
There are qute a few more benefits and reasons that we {Cheyenne & I} are stoked about this program, but quite frankly, this post is already on the overly long side and I think you get the idea already. If you want more information visit their website or email me and I will be happy to share what I know!
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