The like then - Skin to skin contact.
Now - She doesn't need to lay skin to skin for comfort anymore, however she does now prefer to be naked whenever possible.
The like then - Being looked in the eyes and talked to.
Now - She still loves this, even more so if you sing to her or make a funny face. Now she can laugh, smile, or make a silly face back at you.
The like then - Josie.
Now - They still have an adorable bond only now Amelia wants to "pet" Josie which she is still unsure of.
The like then - Massage. Like veal our Peanut got massaged daily and really loved it.
Now - My little go-getter rarely has the patience to lay still for massage. She would much prefer to roll over or play with toys when she's on her back. I still do some massage but it's usually on the changing table and for much smaller bursts.
Now - My little go-getter rarely has the patience to lay still for massage. She would much prefer to roll over or play with toys when she's on her back. I still do some massage but it's usually on the changing table and for much smaller bursts.
The like then - Sitting up on Daddy's knees.
Now - Standing up on Daddy's knees.
The dislike then - Having to wait more than one second for a meal.
Now - She can wait up to two seconds :-)
The dislike then - The binkie.
Now -Much to our delight she never took to a binkie. I suppose that we could have forced it upon her until she grew to like it, but we never wanted her to use/depend on one and I think that has to do with why she never grew to like it.
The dislike then - Having her tummy rubbed.
Now - She doesn't really mind one way or the other.
The dislike then - Her swing.
Now - This one makes me laugh. She loathed the swing when she was itsy bitsy. Then around 10 or so weeks she grew to cherish it and the swing became a god send to Cheyenne & I. Now she's kind of growing away from it, out of boredom. I still use it for some of her naps but she's not as content to lay in it while awake the way she was before she was so curious.
The dislike then - The hours between 11:00pm & 3:00am
Now - Ouch. I think back on those weeks and cringe, they were so so hard on all 4 of us {baby, mom, dad, dog}. Now however she goes to sleep at 8:30pm and doesn't wake back up until 6:30am. On the mornings when 6:30am feels far too early I remind myself of the "survival days" and my attitude changes quickly.
Looking back at the photos and posts from 6 months ago seems like I'm looking at a different mother and baby. I'm so much more confident and at ease with motherhood and my capabilities and my baby is much more a "person". I cant image how different these current posts and photos will seem in another 6 months.
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