It's not that i don't love watching my baby, but it used to be very easy to set her down for a quick second so that i could tinkle, shovel a bit to eat in my mouth, breathe, etc. and she would stay exactly as I had left her. Well, those days are long gone.
Along with Josie's piece of mind. Everywhere Amelia goes there is Josie right behind her making sure {in her own doggie way} that the baby is safe. I know what you're thinking "what is the complaint here lady?". I'll tell you: 2 days ago i turned my back for {hand to god} 5 seconds and the baby made a quick screech. Josie, being closer decided that it was her "job" to help mother Amelia. What does this mean? It means that I turned around just in time to see my dog take the rawhide bone from her own mouth and place it into my baby's where it was quickly chomped on by the teething monster!!!! ACK!!! This, I assure you dear readers, is most certainly NOT what i had envisioned when I tried to picture what motherhood would be like. I ran over {all of 4 paces} screeching like a banshee and got the offending "teething toy" out of the baby's mouth. Apparently however, i was not quick enough and Josie was able to spot how happy {though brief} the bone made every time Amelia makes a less than happy peep there's the dog with the bone waiting to make her "puppy" pleased again.
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