It is amazing how something that weighs just 15 pounds can strike pure fear within the hearts of two adults. Case in point: Amelia goes to bed every night at 8:30pm. It's not hard to get her to sleep and she stays asleep until 6:30am on the dot each morning. However, after the long months before things were this easy and peaceful Cheyenne and I suffer from a mild form of post traumatic stress disorder with regards to our child's ability to sleep soundly {people that are parents know the fear of which i speak}. About a week and a half ago Cheyenne and I were getting ready to go to bed {at our customary 10:30 hour}; I went to use the restroom and Chey went to lock up the house...this is where the diagrams come in handy: all lights in the house were totally off when i came out of the bathroom {out of fear that miss delicate will awaken with any light}. Luckily it's super easy to get to our bedroom from the bathroom and a light isn't really needed. At the same time that i was lifting my foot to make for the bedroom, Cheyenne entered the hallway {which is actually more cramped than the diagrams suggest} while simultaneously closing the hall door behind him. It was at just this second that Amelia tossed in her bed and let out that noise that means "you dare disturb me?! now i shall awaken and make you pay!!!". TERROR. So without needing to communicate with one another we both froze immediately without making another single movement or sound and we held these freakish poses for what felt like an eternity but was probably closer to 4ish minutes. Ever so slowly and delicately we made our ways towards the bedroom with ninja-like stealthiness. once safely in our room we walked on tippy toes and whispered in voices so light that we were almost communicating telepathically. Amelia didn't make another peep and went right back to sleep but for the rest of the night Cheyenne and I slept fitfully expecting to be woken up by her at any moment. Clearly, we have given up the high ground.
Been there, done that! ;)
Hahaha, I think every parent has! They are so scary!
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