In addition to loving the holidays I also really love family traditions, I'm the person who likes to organize our yearly camping trip in Southern Oregon, watches "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" every October 30th, hosts Thanksgiving, goes to the same Christmas tree farm on the 4th Friday of each November, etc. I just love both of these things and of course love the ultimate combo "holiday traditions". I had amazing Christmases as a child: my dad and I would trudge out to Lee Farms in our small suburban town where we would spend the afternoon looking for the "perfect tree" to cut down then we would bring it home where he and my mom would put on the lights and garland {deeming me too young} then my mom would put on a Christmas movie {usually "It's a Wonderful Life" which is her favorite. Side note - my mom loves this movie so much that she can recite each and every word and cries at the same places each time. As a kid it made me roll my eyes but a couple of years ago I sat down to watch it with Cheyenne and it was pointed out that I too know each word and cry at the same places}. The night before Christmas I was always allowed to open just one gift which was usually either Christmas pajamas {a total must} or a new Christmas tree ornament from Granny & Papa. I could go on but you get the point...Christmas is awesome.
This brings me to my new role as Mom during the holidays and I have to admit I have been so looking forward to it that I started thinking about traditions that I want to start in my own little family years and years ago. The Pacific Northwest is great for the Holiday season, it's so green and lush and surrounded by rolling mountains covered in evergreens that it's hard for me to picture having a Christmas elsewhere {though of course I have}. Here is a list of the things that Cheyenne & I already do and things that we want to start doing as Amelia gets old enough to participate..
Current traditions:
A trip to the Christmas tree farm - we cut down our own tree each year {usually a Douglas Fir - Oregon's state tree FYI- or a Grand Fir which is a bit sturdier}. We go to Lee Farms just like my dad and I did when I was a kid. It's a little bit of a drive since we now live in North Portland and Lee Farms is in a Southern suburb. I was kicking around the idea of going to another farm this year but got sad just thinking about breaking with my 20 year tradition. So this year we'll bundle the peanut up in her new bunting from Grammy {see the Halloween blogpost for a photo} and take her to Lee Farms with us where we'll join her Grandpa in our search for The Perfect Tree"!
A stroll down Peacock Lane - Cheyenne & I join countless other Portlanders on this adorable neighborhood road where each home is covered in beautiful lights and decor. Amelia will definitely be joining us this year!
A tour of the Pittock Mansion - We try to fit this in each year since the mansion is always beautiful beyond words each Christmas. Some years though we aren't able to fit it into our schedules. While I do love this yearly event I think we'll have to hold off on bringing Amelia with us until she's at least 4, otherwise she'll get bored and I foresee that leading to a tantrum.
The lighting of the Christmas tree in Pioneer Courthouse Square - We go to Pioneer Square every year to join the masses and watch the beautiful local tree lit up. You can't help but have a huge grin ear to ear. Amelia will of course be with us this year.
Zoolights - The Washington Park Zoo transforms into a winter wonderland each year in December and it's always a lot of fun. Like the Pittock Mansion {which is just down the street} we don't get to this each year but we do try. My favorite memory of this event is Cheyenne actually convincing one of my best friends {Holly} that the zoo has to keep a net over the reindeer sanctuary so that they don't fly off!
The Festival of Lights at the Grotto - The Grotto is beautiful every single day of the year but it will take your breath away once it's lit up for Christmas. We generally only make time to visit if we have guests from out of town or friends who have never been. The jury is still out on whether or not we'll take Amelia this year though the chances are better in years passed since we now live fairly close.
A performance of George Balanchine's The Nutcracker by the Oregon Ballet Theater - there are a very few things on planet Earth that I love more than this. We try hard to go each year {Cheyenne goes along with it to make me happy even though he doesn't love it as much as I do}. Amelia wont be able to enjoy it until she's a bit older {4ish} but I cannot tell you how much I'm looking forward to getting her all dressed up and watching her eyes go all huge at the fantastical beauty and magic of this performance.
One gift on Christmas Eve - A classic. It's so much fun.
Christmas Pajamas - Like most people that I know this is a standing tradition for the kids in the family {and for the parents as well in some families} photos of Christmas just aren't the same without 'em!
A giant feast - I host Christmas dinner each year and love it. We either have ham or goose {depending on how many guests we have} and tons of food and drinks {our friend David Peterson makes the best hot toddies} then top it off with a delicious Bûche de Noël.
Traditions I want to start:
A "family" tree - I know this sounds like bragging BUT I have the most beautiful Christmas tree each year. I have spent years amassing a collection of hand painted Polish glass ornaments. I'm a bit like the Soup Nazi when it comes to my tree. I only allow white, green, and red lights, my ornaments have to pass the "is it tacky or mass produced" test if an ornament fails it doesn't make the cut. That being said, it isn't very child friendly. Which brings me to the "family tree". I came up the idea a few years ago when decorating my tree. We have a formal living room where my gorgeous tree goes but we also have a family room where we spend more of our time. In the family room {once Amelia and her future sibling/s are old enough} I want to get a second, smaller tree each year and decorate it only with what we can make ourselves. Decorations made in class or together as a family. My guess is that the kids will like this tree much more and it will be filled with sweet memories.
The Polar Express excursion on the Mt Hood Railroad - A few years ago Cheyenne took me on a dinner murder mystery excursion on the MHRR for my birthday and we had a great time. While waiting in the depot I learned about their yearly Polar Express excursion. Take a look, it looks like so much fun!!! What a great idea for kiddos! I cant wait to take Amelia but I think it'll have to wait a couple of years.
Giving a gift to a child in need - You know the "giving trees" at the mall each Christmas? I think they are the very perfect way to introduce children to charity and giving to those less fortunate, which to me is the big important part of the Christmas Spirit. Each year My child/ren will get to choose a child request from the tree {one each}. Cheyenne and I both want to instill the values of giving to and helping mankind and selflessness. This is a great place to start.
Visiting Santa at Bridgeport Village - Every child requires a meeting with the Big Man to go over their wish list, the best/prettiest venue in my opinion is at Bridgeport Village in Lake Oswego. This tradition begins this year...I'm sure it'll end with a photo of a screaming baby and a tired looking man in a beard, sweet!
Waiting up for Santa - Full disclosure: I fully plan on going all out when feeding into the Santa thing for as long as possible {as did my Mom}. Some ideas are phone calls from Santa, letters from Santa, and fun "evidence" amongst other things. I'm thinking of having my dad dress up as Santa and sneaking him into the house to eat cookies and "accidentally" waking the kids up then tucking them into bed. How cute would that be?!
Needless to say, I'm really looking forward to Christmas this year and all of the ones to follow. I'll of course keep you updated with all that we do.
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