Tomorrow morning bright {or dark because of the time of year} and early {6: 00am-ish} we'll be piling the family back in the car for another road trip to Reno to visit family. When we went in August for my mother-in-law's birthday we didn't get to visit with Grandma & Grandpa Clark which is always my favorite part of visiting Reno. So we're headed off again, this time making sure that Amelia gets in a visit with her great-grandparents.
Since we've done this already we know what to expect. This will be the third time Cheyenne & I have done the drive and the second time doing it with the baby. It's gone very well the last couple of times so I'm thinking it will be the same this time.
I come from a long line of airplane haters {on both sides of my family} and lovers of travel by road {again, both sides} and a lot of my best childhood memories are road-trip based so i actually look forward to these drives. We downloaded a bunch of new music {10,000 songs to be exact} and picked up a few audio books from the library {can I tell you how much I love audio books for long drives - when Amelia is older we can throw in children's books like Harry Potter and the like but for now we favor David Sedaris and other sharp witted authors and a couple of classics like Arthur Conan Doyle and Harper Lee}. The drive takes about 11 hours with Amelia which isn't terrible at all, we'll be getting into town at a pretty good hour and the same for the reverse trip.
We arrive back in town Monday night so check back here on Tuesday for photos and updates about our weekend!
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