The future "throne". The BABYBJÖRN Potty Chair. I love this "spring green" color because it matches my bathroom and is gender neutral. Also, I read like {no joke} 400 reviews of this potty chair and it seems to be the favorite of children and parents alike.
For weeks now Amelia has been climbing all over chairs and couches apparently desperate for one of her own {hence the Bumbo situation last week}. We have been mulling over getting an Anywhere Chair from Pottery Bark Kids for her but just haven't gotten around to it. Yesterday we were out and about and stopped by Ikea to look for some things for Cheyenne's office/Manland, while Chey was puttering around I took Amelia over to the kids section to keep her occupied and she made a beeline for the children's poang chair and decided that she had to have it. Since she was so in love we went ahead and got it for her.
We brought it home and set it up for her first thing. She spent an hour arranging her stuffed animals in it then she got a book climbed up and read to herself until nap-time. Adorable.
Then, without thinking anything of it I updated my Facebook status to say "thanks to Ikea the Empress now has a new throne, all she needs now is a scepter" and went about my day intending to add a photo of her sitting in it later on. Hours and hours later I logged back in to Facebook and it turns out that people mistook the term "throne" for a potty chair. Perhaps it's a generation thing or I'm not sure what, but it never ever occurred to me that people still called toilets "the throne"...that always seemed like something that would have been said by the likes of old men from a couple of generations before my own. Oy. So then I had to explain that no, in fact she isn't starting the potty training process {yet}.
But I got to thinking and I'm not sure that I've ever addressed the great potty training plan here in the blog. Or have I? I don't remember and since it's Monday I also don't feel like hunting through two years of blog posts looking for a mention of it. So here's the deal: the plan is to start the introduction to the potty sometime between November and her birthday by setting up a potty chair in the bathroom and helping her along without pressure so that she gets excited about it. We don't want her to stress out over the whole thing and cause it to be a bigger struggle than it needs to be. Once she turns two we'll step it up and in theory she'll be good to go by my birthday in April {sooner would be better but of course each child is different so it's not totally possible to predict an end date but that's kind of our goal}. We checked with our pediatrician and of course about 1.2 million books and this is the time frame and that we feel is best.
So in a few months we'll go pick up a potty chair and some potty training books for her to get her excited about the whole thing. As for the whole "pull-ups vs undies" debate here's what I'm thinking: books, blogs, and magazines have all said that using cotton underwear quickens the process because they aren't absorbent and it helps little children understand the cause and effect of accidents and helps them understand their bodies natural queues. But friends of ours with children have all said that while that may be true it gets pretty tiring changing your toddlers outfit 10 times a day {at first} and just leads to frustration on both parts. So I think we're going to do a balance between the two. At first we're going to use Pull-ups in the day and diapers at night {November-January 27} then when we get down to *serious mode* we'll do undies during the day and Pull-ups at night or some combo thereof and slowly wean off the Pull-ups as she gets more confident with the potty chair.
How about you? Do you have any experience with this? What did you do and what did you think of it? Was there anything that you would have changed? Do you have a child around the same age {give or take}? What are the plans that your family has come up with?
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