Amelia's latest food obsession is a nice crisp apple. This actually comes as a bit of a surprise because up until now she's always hated apple. Back when she was just a wee thing I would puree apple for her and no matter what I did with it she would spit it out and give me the business.
Then she got bigger and we revisited the apple, this time in chunk form, again to no avail. I like to have her retry foods every month or so because childrens tastes change so frequently and because I cant abide a picky eater. So the other day as I was eating a whole apple, who should sidle up to me all street beggar style but Mademoiselle Clark. Before I could say anything she snatched the apple straight from my hand {kind of like the monkey, Abu, in Disney's Aladin} and ran to the other side of the room to consume her stolen goods.
since then she's been hooked. It's pretty cute really.
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