Christmas was a success {not that I thought it wouldn't be} and we had a wonderful time. On Christmas morning Cheyenne set up our video camera on a tripod to capture our quiet family time with Santa gifts and calmness before cooking began and guests arrived. Then we kind of forgot that the camera was on and ended up recording nearly a half an hour of what I feel is mostly boring {to the outside world} stuff. I've edited it down to a 2-3 minute montage found
here. I wanted to also add the full length version for those that were interested {grandparents and the like} so I spent 7 HOURS uploading the dang thing to youtube only to have it removed for being to long. I can't express to you how annoying that is to me.
Here are some of the {very few} photos that I remembered to take - we were having such a great time that I was a total spaz and forgot to get more/better photos. Grr. I promise to do better next month with her birthday!
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