* At dinner time when I give her her plate of food I say "careful it's hot" then she and I blow on it. It's actually really cute. Well, saying "it's hot" so often has caused her to believe that the word for "food" is actually "hot" and she now requests a plate of "hot" whenever she's hungry.
* She's like a word sponge in general these days and wants to know the word for everything and will try to say it just like me. Often this ends up with her knowing words that seem funny coming out of an {almost} 2 year old...like "rash".
* She's always really loved animals but as of late she's totally obsessed. She loves loves loves them and wants to know their names and touch them and make their sounds. When she she's a sheep in books she makes this really funny and quite accurate baaing sound.
* Her very favorite foods on the earth are: fresh tangerines {she loves peeling them and then eating the segments}, braised red cabbage, spaetzel, pasta {any kind}, and raisin bran {blame her dad for that one}.
* She's super sweet and snuggly - when she is holding a stuffed animal, baby doll, or is reading a book with an animal in it then she bends to put her head on it and gives it sweet little snuggles. When we hold her up on us she puts her head on our shoulders and pats on us our backs.
* She's LOVES her shoes and boots and always wants to be in them. She's also always trying to dress herself...this includes trying to pull her pants on when we're changing her!
*She's fascinated by letters and knows about half of them by sight and always points them out in books or on signs. We got her a set of foam letter bath toys that she LOVES. She floats around in the bath and "spells" things out with her letters.
* Cheyenne & I have called her "Mimi" since she was maybe an hour old so now if you ask her where Mimi is she's point to her chest and proclaim "MIMI".
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