Over last year and a half I've tried really really hard to tone it down, at least while Amelia is around, because, well - she repeats EVERYTHING that she hears and I live in fear of taking her to the park and her yelling out a 4 letter word when something goes awry.
I had thought that I was doing a great job and was patting myself on the back when a few weeks ago I dropped a glass and as it fell I opened my mouth only to hear myself beat by Little Miss saying "oh crap". Crap.
In an effort to tone down my language I've been using slightly less obnoxious terms as a sort of verbal methadone. "Crap" being my replacement for "shit". I really hadn't even noticed how much I say it during the day.
I've been trying to downplay it as much as possible while at the same time trying to let her know that it's not exactly polite. I'm afraid to make too much of a fuss and inadvertently turn it into a game though.
I had kept our crappy secret just between Amelia & I until about a week ago when she said it around Cheyenne. Oh crap. Of course as soon as it came out of her mouth he whipped around lightening quick to me with the death stare "I think she's saying 'crab', you know how she loves animals" is what I came up with. He wasn't {still isn't buyin' it}.
I'm told that she said it about 5 times in her bath last night "oh crap, no shampoo", "oh crap, bye bye bubbles", "oh crap, clean up" along with a song that went something like "crap crap crap crappy crap".
Of course the worst thing is not that she's saying "crap" but rather that Cheyenne is now under the belief that he has some ammo...he's just laying in wait.
Oh crap.
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