Plan B: less far fetched but still not easier scenario - After 12 years of hard work she gets a scholarship to Brown or Bryn Mawr where she studies international relations, she spends her sophomore year studying abroad in Barcelona, and her senior year studying in Prague. As a grad student she is awarded a Rhodes Scholarship and moves to England to study at Oxford. After school she travels the world immersing herself in other cultures and masters several languages (French, Mandarin, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Japanese) she writes several books and becomes quite well known in certain circles. She marries a European doctor who spends his summers working for "doctors without borders".
Plan C: much more realistic but would still make me beam with pride: After 12 years of hard work she goes to a "good" college that is absolutely no less than 4 hours away from home/Portland where she has the time of her life and immerses herself in college life. She spends one year studying abroad and gets her masters in early childhood/elementary education. She marries someone equally or more educated than she is, who loves her unconditionally.
Not allowed to happen under any circumstances - not getting a college degree, going to college nearby, getting married or (god help me) having a child before 25, never traveling, being vegetarian, being republican, being evangelical christian, staring in a reality show, entering a beauty pageant.
These are the things that I think about when I'm awake at 4:00am feeding her.
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