When my mother was pregnant with me she received a Mickey Mouse Schmid music box as a gift to go in my Disney themed nursery (i know Amanda, you cannot imagine *your* Chole in a Disney themed anything). This seeming innocent gift turned into a hilarious "sickness" in my family that ended with me receiving another Disney music box (or 2 or 3 or 4) at every birthday or Christmas.
I'm not exactly sure what the intent ever really was other than "we always get her one" and then it just kind of blurred into a sweet tradition and made it very easy to shop for me (otherwise i think i might be difficult to shop for). After a while it was said that I could pass down the now massive/cumbersome collection to my children. But again, to what end? It's a gift that you can look at but never touch and by the time you are old enough to be able to touch them you don't much care for such things.
Instead I have decided to pull the many heavy boxes out of their dusty home in my basement, clean them up, and put all but a select few that have special meaning (for example: that first Mickey that started the whole thing) on Ebay for bid. They will still be passed onto my child but in a different way than people were thinking when they originally purchased them...the profits will be going into Amelia's college fund.
And honestly, i think that spirit and purpose serves much more than a curio cabinet of nick-naks ever could.
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