I believe that my hatred of people that push around those gigantic strollers that are about the size of a smartcar has been well documented over the last several years and that it is also a well known fact that I strongly support "wearing" your child in wraps and the like.
I currently use my beloved Moby wrap whenever i walk anywhere with Amelia (which is often) in lieu of using my nemesis the stroller and I also have a Baby Bjorn which Cheyenne uses when we are oot and aboot together (he wears it when we go hiking for example).
While I firmly stand by my hatred of douchebags with giant strollers and support of actually holding a child I have decided that I am going to have to break down and get a stroller.
The Moby is 1. in general quite warm 2. that is made more so by the closeness of baby and mama when wrapped up together 3. is totally insane when you consider that mine is navy blue....which is to say the Moby is less than ideal with the warmer weather. The pack carrier that we have was meant for someone of a "normal" height which means that it works out great for Cheyenne but not so much for yours truly.
With the weather so nice you know that I'm going to want to be outside with Amelia as much as possible so I went ahead and ordered a stroller online today. I went with the Maclaren aka the "Cadillac of strollers" and I think it'll be OK. It's only 11 pounds, is an umbrella style which means it's not huge and bulky, and it folds up super quick. If I had to break down and get one this seems to be the one that will work out best for me.
Washington Park Zoo, Saturday Market, Downtown, Northwest, etc watch out....here come the Clark ladies!
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