This means that I have been taking over his "parenting duties" which it turns out is quite a lot. I'm very lucky to have such a great partner who shares a huge part of the physical responsibilities for our baby but it turns out that has a "down side" by which I mean that I was unprepared for how much additional work it would be for me to take over what he does in addition to what I already do. Ladies and gentlemen: I am pooped.
Which brings me to last night, being a bit pooped and not quite "all there" while making dinner I made a stupid mistake. I was boiling pasta and once it was al dente I turned off the flame and got out the colander after which I picked up the pot of pasta & crazy hot water by the handles with my bare hands! What was I thinking? I don't know. So the handles were of course too hot which means that my brain sent a signal to my hands {without my permission} to drop the hot offending thing which made the water slash all up my right arm and face before crashing upside down on the floor and my bare feet.
Thank goodness we have a gas stove so the heat source stopped full force as soon as I turned the burner off and that I had taken the few seconds to get the colander out. By the time that I dropped the pot the water it was no longer at a full boil. Luckily I only got a mild burn - it looks and feels a bit like a sunburn and it's better this morning that it was last night. If you didn't know better you would just think that I had slept on that side of my face making it a bit pink.
Given the recent rash of accidents causing bodily harm here in Clark Manor I am considering wrapping Amelia up in bubble wrap to keep her safe!
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