Now that the peanut is on the cusp of toddlerhood she's been pushing what she can get away with. Oy! The biggest "fight" that we have is over the "off limit" sections beyond the mega-dome. She's like a teeny tiny Houdini and is able to escape one section of the otherwise child-proof dome and of course, that's the only thing in her universe that she wants to do. I spend a good portion of my day picking her up and removing her from the scene of the crime.
However, im fighting a bit of a cold this week and am not moving as fast as I should be and the little monster has exposed my weakness and has been quite naughty.
I'm trying a time out chair but as you can see from the photos it's not quite as fearsome as I had hoped. I think for now im going to have to keep chasing her until i can make a time out area that doesnt make her giggle with delight.
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