*Waving and saying "bye-bye". She loves this and does it to everything.
*Saying "Mama", "Dada", Bah-bah" {bottle}.
*Saying what sounds like "yeah boy" like she's a teeny tiny Flava Flav!
*Chattering in her own little baby language. She could "talk" for hours! Wonder where she got that from?
*Pulling up and "cruising" on anything and everything. She's stood on her own unassisted a few times but falls or grabs onto something as soon as she realizes what she's doing. If we hold her hands to lend support then she will walk all over kingdom come which we think means we'll have an independent walker very soon.
*She's such a cuddly lovey baby! When she's down on the floor playing with her toys she'll stop after a while and crawl over for a hug and snuggle and a kiss {this involves headbutting and lots of slobber}. She's also taken to going over to Sully {our cat} when he's laying down and cuddling with him with her head on his side. They've become the best of friends which has sent Josie {our dog} into a state of pure and total hysteria and sadness because she loathes the cat and loves Amelia as though she were her own puppy.
My little girl is growing up so fast! Just 21 more days until the birthday of the year!
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