Amelia had her 18 month check-up with her pediatrician today and it went really really well! The stats: she is 33.5 inches long {93rd percentile} but 21 pounds even {8th percentile} which basically means that she's the longest and skinniest person that you've ever met! She's on track to be 5'8" tall as an adult. Her weight is on the very low side but since it's perfectly on track with her growth curve {she has always always been very skinny} the doctor isn't too concerned. She says that we're doing everything right and that it's really just Amelia's build. Though we were encouraged to fatten her up. She's no longer allowed to have water because the doctor wants "every calorie to count". She's been burning more than she's taking in now that she's running around all of the time.
She had one shot {end of the hep A series} and didn't cry at all - instead she shook her fist at the nurse and yelled what has to be some kind of crude obscenity in toddler-ese. She also had a blood draw to check for anemia and her iron level came back very healthy {she gets a daily vitamin so I was expecting that}.
They also had us take surveys and such to check for autism or learning disabilities and she got one of the best scores that they have seen. She's apparently well ahead of the curve developmentally and socially. Phew!
We have her next check up in January {her 24 month} where she'll get yet another 2 shots {poor kids - no wonder most of them hate the doctor}.

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