A few weeks back over dinner Cheyenne got on the subject of the decor in our living space. We agreed that there was an overabundance of "us"....photos of he and & I everywhere interspersed with photos of our beloved spawn.
We have a few pieces of non-us art {a giant version of this in the dining room along with this and a sweet custom piece that our friend Dave got us for Christmas one year from a local artist. We also have a few landscape black & white photos of London & Italy in the living room} but mostly is just...us. And that seems rather uninspired not to mention a bit pretentious.
So we got to talking and both rather liked the idea of adding some more local flavor art since the custom piece from Dave was the one that we like the most.
That night I went to my go-to source for all things {and source of unhealthy addiction}: Etsy. We found several pieces by local artists that we really loved so I saved all of them to my favorites with the thought of slowing buying them as I figure out spacing on the walls.
Today I ordered my two favorites {see above} and cannot wait for them to arrive! I think im just going to put them in simple Ribba frames from Ikea for a clean, modern & understated look {oh Ikea, you're always such a madhouse but I can't stay away}.
Eventually, I want to get this, this, & this to round out my ode to Portland then add in some lovely paintings and such for some color {that I think will entail several trips to Saturday Market & Last Thursday} and maybe an Alphonse Mucha print or two {since I love him I will figure out a way to make art nouveau work with modern}.
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