Most of you will think that I'm crazy {well, I'm sure that's already occurred to you before this post} and most that know me won't be surprised to learn that I have a list of baby names saved in my gmail account. I love names. It's the nerd in me, but I find etymology really fascinating and entertain myself for hours finding little gemstones of names and picking middle names that flow well and so on. My lists are mind boggling long but when it comes to actually naming a child the lists for either gender have been narrowed down for quite some time with 1 boy name {it's set in stone, we both love the name and flow and meaning} and about 4 girls names. Of those 4 girls names I have a very clear favorite that I have been hiding and trying to send out "look away" juju to the universe that it gets left alone and not ruined before I get the chance to use it someday.
Somehow my juju did not work and recently one of my least favorite "famous" people in all of the world did a little under the radar sneaking and stole *my* name! Blarg! Now I just have to hope that no one else copies said "celebrity" and maybe the name will go back to being a secret....although now I have to share my secret with the loathsome one. Grr.
Do you do the same thing or have a similar experience?
Yes! I hate that too. I don't have a list like you but I do have my names picked out too. Remember at birthing class when Laura asked us for our intended names & I came up w/ the stupidest place holder name? I've got that going too.
Hahaha I totally remember that! Did you already know that you wanted to name the baby Romina at that time?
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