There is so rarely lightning in Portland this this was the only photo that I could find of such a thing via google image search. Lovely though. That's the Pearl District.
Today I am a zombie. You need three bits of background information in order to understand why I'm so tired this Monday morning:
1. Let me start by saying that I am admittedly a giant wuss/princess when it comes to sleep. Like a small child I need something like 9 hours of good sleep to be a functional human being. Knowing this about myself I go to bed at 10pm every night and wake up at 7:15 every morning. Yes, I am aware that most people my age scoff at such a schedule but ya know what? I couldn't possibly care less. I'm almost always very well rested and physically content whereas most of those people that scoff complain to no end about how tired they are. When Amelia was a newborn and waking every two hours to nurse I went into "survival mode" as far as sleep deprivation goes, but at 12 weeks when we went through the whole "sleep training" thing and she started sleeping from 8:30pm-7:30am without waking my body gave up "survival mode" without a second thought.
2. Our alarm/child "goes off" at 7:15am Tuesday-Sunday. However, Cheyenne has a conference call meeting with the Paris offices every Monday that causes him to have to be at work an hour earlier than any other work day. So our alarm goes off at 6:30am on Mondays. This cuts into my much needed 9 hours. Every Monday I curse the country of France.
3. There is never thunder or lightening in Portland. I can count on one hand the times that I've seen/heard such a thing in this town and I have lived here for 23 years. Just doesn't happen.
Now you are up to date. So, this morning at 4:57am there was a clap of thunder so loud that it sounded like two giant semi trucks crashing into one another in my living room. Having been sound asleep my brain automatically went to "SHIT! IT'S THE EARTHQUAKE THAT'S GOING TO SEND US INTO THE OCEAN"....because, when I'm woken up out of a deep sleep my first thoughts are very rarely rational. Of course it was not in fact, any kind of earthquake and my beloved coastline is still very much connected to the North American continent. Now fully awake Cheyenne and I laid in bed counting the seconds between lightning and the insanely loud thunder. There were only four claps of thunder {that we heard} but all four were less than a mile away. Normally, I would be stoked - thunder and lightning are the only things, besides my family of course, that I miss/like about the Midwest. But 90 minutes before the alarm goes off? No thank you. Needless to say I never got back to sleep. Although that means that I'm only 2 hours short of my normal amount of shut-eye I am a total zombie this morning. I've been counting down the minutes until naptime {12:00pm} since the alarm went off. That's never a good way to start the week.
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