Friday, April 26, 2013

. Sadness.

Something awful happened a few weeks back and I had planned on writing up a post about it at the time but then decided that some healing time was needed for the partied involved but now to share with you guys some sad news that's hit our little group of loved ones.
As most of you know I have a small circle of "best friends" {though each bristles at the use of such a childish term} and one of those is my friend "sister from another mister", Amanda.
Amanda called me in December to let me be the first to know that after a few months of trying she was pregnant. YAY! Amanda was the first person to know about all of my pregnancies and lived vicariously through my pregnancies and first years as a mom. She's my sister and we share everything so to hear that she would be joining me in the mommy ranks was incredibly exciting. When she and her husband came to visit I unloaded tons of baby stuff onto them that we no longer need and flooded them with my "wisdom". The most epic of baby showers was planned and everyone in her life fell in love with this little baby-to-be.
To make a long a terrible story much shorter, at 20 weeks along Amanda lost her baby. She let me know right away and we both sobbed together over this horrible loss. My heart broke into a million pieces hearing the pain in my friends voice and knowing that she was so far away both in physical distance {she lives in Denver...for now} and emotional {although I had had a miscarriage it was nothing compared to her losing her daughter half-way through a pregnancy}.
Cora Ann would have had a birthday right around Alice's and I know that both this Mother's Day and that day in August this year will be terrible for Amanda and her husband. Of course I will give her all of the love that I can to try and ease her pain but I know it's not enough...only time is.

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