Friday, May 24, 2013

.Look who is 9 months old!.

Weight: 14 pounds & 15 ounces {5th percentile}
Length: 27 inches {24th percentile}
BMI: 2 {yikes that's tiny!}
Eye color: Bright blue
Hair color: the lightest brown or darkest blond depending on the light. Despite how photos look she actually does have hair but the flash always washes it out making her look a bit like Charlie Brown.
Notes: Teeny Tiny is all over the dang place these days. She can army crawl super super fast and is starting to lift up on all fours and rock back and forth which means we're just a short time away from true crawling. She sits up on her own like an expert now and she is working on waiving bye-bye. Her fine motor skills are through the roof good according to the testing at her pediatrician.
Speaking of pediatrician, at this month's check-up Miss Alice was put on a high-calorie diet. Her height/weight ratio is super low. She's on the same curve that she's been on since birth so it's nothing new and she's perfectly healthy so the doctor isn't concerned about a failure thrive BUT since crawling and then walking are just around the corner she'll be burning more calories than ever before and will need the protein and calories to fuel that. We now buy avocados in bulk. My guess is that Baby Sister is going to be super short like her mama.

And just for fun here's a look back at the last nine months...

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