That being said, I still feel that the old adage "you are what you eat" is very true and I am a total health and nutrition nut when it comes to my baby {I'm not so good when it comes to myself but I have plans to change that so that I'm not such a hypocrite}.
So what finger foods do you feed a baby who isn't allowed processed crap? Well, she gets steamed and diced organic veggies, Green Puffs from Happy Baby, organic soy-free veggie burgers chopped up, chucks of tofu chopped up, hard boiled egg yolk {babies can't have egg white until they reach 1 year}, "Whole Oh's" from Nature's Path {think Cheerios but organic with a higher natural fiber content} and Happy Melts {organic freeze dried yogurt from Happy Baby}.
I try and work in a lean protein meat once or twice a week but since I am a bit squeamish about putting meat into my food processor {wouldn't you be?} I buy it in jar form from EarthsBest or Sprout which are both certified organic baby food companies {Gerber products don't enter my child}.
I still give her at least one pureed meal a day {usually breakfast and snack} to make sure that she's getting enough natural vitamins, fiber, & nutrients {a fiber cube - either lentils or my "super legume" mix, a vitamin A cube - either carrot or a pumpkin/sweet potato mix, and either a vitamin C cube - cantaloupe/bell pepper/papaya or folic acid cube - kale/broccoli/parsley mix for a total of 3 cubes per meal}.
We've also been giving her a daily dose of probiotics in the form of yogurt, kefir, or GoodBelly probiotic juice to make sure that her immune system is strong and her tummy stays healthy and happy.
What is my reward for all of this? Well, Amelia is 10 months old and was born at the height of winter almost 4 weeks early yet she's only had 2 colds in her life and they've both been mild. I have friends/family with babies who get a very different diet and those babies have all had more colds/flu than mine {breast feeding of course being the biggest helper in keeping her immune system strong}. My baby's health and happiness are all of the proof that I need that I'm doing the right thing.
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