Christmas 1985 - I'm 3 and am wearing the pajamas of a ye olde tyme feudal serf. This is the Christmas that I found the "Santa gifts" a week earlier in my parents room and spent an hour playing with them before my mom caught me. On Christmas morning when I got up to see what loot had been left and realized that I had already played with those same toys I asked if I could go back to bed. Note: That's C.C. sitting next to me.
Christmas 1984 - I'm 2. There are actually several photos from this Christmas but being at the height of my "terrible twos" I am running around like a banshee in each one and am little more than a blur. This is the only one where I am still...
As I was putting yet more gifts for Amelia under our tree this morning I got a warm happy feeling thinking of all of the great Christmases that I've had in my life and got so excited to be able to share them with my own little one now. Celebrations are a big deal in my family {well, that goes for most families im guessing} and any chance for a party with family, friends, and food is pounced on - if gift giving is involved than all the better.
In the spirit of nostalgia here are a few photos from my first Christmases.
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