Last night was cold and clear so we bundled up and went out for one of my favorite Christmas traditions, a stroll down Peacock Lane. It was super cold but between the pretty lights, holiday cheer, hot cocoa, and children caroling it was definitely worth it. Few things get me in the holiday spirit quite like houses made up like a Christmas wonderland. Our camera died {of course} so I didn't get any of my own photos, the ones here are from a Google search to give the out of towners that read this an idea of what Peacock Lane is all about.
Today we're snuggled in while it rains and the wind howls and watching Christmas movies. Christmas Vacation and Christmas Story are done - now we have Christmas Carol {I prefer the George C. Scott version} and It's a Wonderful Life to go {earlier in the month we watched The Grinch, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and Charlie Brown's Christmas}. Tomorrow I'm shopping for Christmas dinner and baking. Just 7 days left of Christmasy goodness...on the 26th all Christmas talk stops full force for Cheyenne's birthday.
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